I was trying to choose one person in my class that I am thankful for, but I was having trouble because I didn't want to have the people I know feel left out. So I am going to list them and a few things that explain why I am thankful for them.
Veronica, for her happiness and positivity, and always helping me out by reminding me what we have for homework.
Iris, also for her happiness and borderline insanity, which is hilarious and cheers me up, and being a really smart person in my group works.
Sylvia, for being easy to have a laugh with about the most random things in division, and saying really cheesy jokes.
Bailey, for always willing to be in a group with me and giving the group good and well thought ideas.
And also to anyone who makes a funny remark in class that makes me laugh. (I promise I'm laughing with you not at you) :)