Sunday, September 28, 2014

6-Word Novels

"Sorry, shoes only sold in pairs."

"There's the president and her husband."

Present: they like me. Absent: hate.

"Kill yourself." Dies. "So sad! Why?"

"Gross. You'll go to hell hetero!"

Thinking of you not thinkin'a me.

Feelings, once obtained, seemed to fade.

I had a fun time writing my 6, 6-word novels. These were surprisingly difficult to write at first, so I'm going to be honest, I Google'd some inspiration. The result that popped up kept me on my computer for half an hour! I loved them so much to be honest. They are creative, unique, controversial, truthful, realistic, surprising, and just so good. So I am linking a couple sites below. Take a few minutes they are worth, it in my opinion anyway.


  1. I also loved reading other 6 word stories online! I love how your stories are about controversial topics and have so much meaning in just 6 words.

  2. Your stories are great! I especially like how you wrote more than 6 and gave us links to read more.

  3. I enjoyed all your stories. They told so much and made me think a lot from only 6 words

  4. Your stories were just flat out amazing :) I would have to say that your last one is my favorite because it's something that everyone can easily relate to.

  5. Loved your stories, pretty clever and unique.
