Friday, September 5, 2014

Intro to Me

My name is Gisselle and I am fifteen years old living in Chicago. I am a sophomore at Whitney Young High School and love it there. I run on my school's cross-country and track and field team, and am a part of the Latinos Unidos Club as well. I am taking 5 honors classes and an AP class, which are basically what my life revolves around right now. I'd like to think of myself as smart, if not I am very hardworking, or both. My parents are both originally from Mexico and later moved here to the United States. I have two brothers. My younger one is Ivan who is 12 years old, and my older one is Erick and he is 19. I also have a pet dog; she is a Maltese named Lily. I have a giant family! My mom has 11 siblings, and my dad has 9. Most of my mom's family lives here in Chicago, but most of my dad's family lives in California or Mexico. Most of my time is spent during school, running, doing homework, or sleeping. When I do have time to myself I love to watch TV, Youtube, or listen to music. I listen to many genres of music including rock, pop, alternative, some hip hop, along with particular songs from other genres. I am a person who loves to be with people (that I like anyways). Most things are much better and more fun with friends for me. I try to be nice 100 percent of the time and am kinda fun to have strange conversations with. When I graduate high school I plan to go to Northwestern University to become a doctor. "Doctor" is very vague but there are so many sub categories that I will just have to wait and see which one I like best because I have no clue right now. Hopefully I'll get there soon.

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